A no fuss approach to grow organic produce

Are you sick of paying high prices for organic fruit and vegetables? Would you like to grow your own organic produce, but not sure where to start? I’d bet you will love this no fuss way to start your own vegetable garden as much I do.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a way to just “set it and forget it”? A no fuss technique? I have come across an ebook written by Jonathan White that is as close to a hands-off type of gardening technique that you will ever come across. Jonathan White is a professional environmental scientist and gardener with more than 20 years of experience. This is his technique in a nutshell: You spend a couple of hours in the spring of year one where you arrange the garden bed and then the hard work is done! The maintenance of the garden throughout the year is minimal. Jonathan estimates that you can do it in eight hours a year. I don’t count the hours I spend maintaining my vegetable garden because to me it is a hobby and something I thoroughly enjoy doing, but I think eight hours is doable – especially if you hook up a irrigation hose in your vegetable garden.

The best part is that with this method all you have to do come spring is to add compost. No digging. No turning the soil. No driving to five garden centres for three types of fertilizers that isn’t available but is on order. Once you have set it up in the spring you just take a step back and let Mother Nature take over. The 80-page ebook comes with a easy to follow step-by-step guide. Jonathan has also put together more than one hour of video footage that describes each simple step to get your organic garden going.

What the Food4Wealth program covers:

  • Set up a garden that produces many times more than a traditional vegetable garden
  • Set up a garden that only requires 8 hours of light easy effort per year
  • Grow food that you can harvest every single day of the year, no matter where you live
  • Set up a garden that naturally REPELS PESTS
  • Set up a garden that has virtually NO WEEDS
  • Grow vegetables and fruit ORGANICALLY
  • Grow the tastiest, fattest tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, potatoes, celery, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumber and more!

You don’t need a lot of space

You don’t need a big backyard to get started with your own veggie garden. In fact, you just need a minimum of an 8×8 plot. This small space can produce lots of delicious produce that will save you a ton of money on your grocery bill. There is a section in the Food4Wealth ebook about container gardening as well, if you do not have a backyard and you will be amazed how much food you can grow in containers on a patio.

You can use this method in any country in the world

The method is not specific for just one type of climate. You can use this method no matter where you live (OK, now I will probably get stern emails from some base camp in the North Pole saying this technique doesn’t work for them – sorry). There are satisfied gardeners in the USA, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, South Africa and many other places, all using the same simple technique that Jonathan White describes in his popular ebook.

Here are some comments about the Food4Wealth system from people all over the world:

I liked that someone could put it in a small area, and didn’t have to till it or spend hours and hours on it, and it’s organic!
Jeannie Nobles, USA

Thanks for your great way of easy planting veggies. It is definitely to be adopted by most gardeners around the world!
Yolanda Peyrot, New Caledonia

I have read the eBook, it is excellent. I wish I had done this gardening years ago. God bless.
Regina Nash UK

An unconventional setup

When my neighbour looks over the fence at my unconventional vegetable garden, she is always amazed how packed it is. It looks like a jungle! I can tell that she is torn because this is definitely not a normal way of growing vegetables. Nothing grows in rows. Weeds are virtually nonexistent and the few that pop up I just pull up and leave on the soil to turn into compost. Using Jonathan’s system was like driving in the wrong side of the road at first but after having seen the results I will never go back to the way I used to grow vegetables.

The abundance of greens is incredible and I have to keep cutting back, so swiss chard and spinach leaves don’t overflow onto the lawn and get mulched by the lawnmower. I have invited neighbours over to pick whatever they want for their salads, there is just more than we can possibly eat. I refer to my vegetable garden as the “salad bar” because it is just one big mix of greens.

Less watering

One of the the drawbacks with regular vegetable gardens that are grown in rows, is that a lot of soil is exposed. Exposed soil will dry out fast in the summer sun. The goal in a Food4Wealth garden is not to see any soil at all. You want the leaves of the vegetables to cover the ground, to prevent the soil from turning into sand or big deep drought cracks. This means that you have to water a Food4Wealth garden a lot less that a regular veggie garden. Once the seedlings have been established, I usually just water the plants once a week during the summer.

Better soil structure

After switching over to this method I have noticed that the soil in my vegetable garden is a lot ‘fluffier’ than before. When I stick a finger into the soil to either drop a seed into the ground or check how dry it is, I am always amazed how easy it is to do. In the past, the soil was always very compact; there was no way I could stick a finger into the soil (not without the risk of breaking it). I have also noticed that I now have a lot more earthworms in my vegetable garden. I am always happy when I see earthworms in the soil. Worm castings are in my mind the most wonderful natural fertilizer. It enriches the soil and means that I don’t have to haul fertilizer back from the garden center.

Drawbacks with the Food4Wealth program

For the experienced gardener it can be a challenge to switch to this type of gardening. Letting Mother Nature do her thing and not intervene to much can be hard for many people that enjoy gardening. Not turning the soil, ignoring weeds with pole roots, allowing plants to go to seed… if these things make your skin crawl, Foor4Wealth may not be for you. I was doubtful at first, but since Jonathan’s technique actually means less work for more output, I decided to give it a shot.

For the novice gardener it can be a challenge to identify vegetables in their plot with this method. Jonathan’s method emulates nature and the vegetables are growing wherever the seeds drop (the first year you will plant the heirloom seedlings and from then on they will reseed on their own). I suggest to people that are new to vegetable gardening that they make a list of the vegetables they plant in the spring. This way they can do an image search on Google if there is a type of vegetable they are not 100% what is.

Since Jonathan is from Australia, and I live in Canada, I found that there was a term or two that was different. For instance I had to google lucerne hay to find that it is more commonly referred to as alfalfa hay here in North America. I hope this helps anyone that has a hard time finding lucerne hay – ask for alfalfa hay instead.

You will also get an easy to follow step-by-step project plan listing what to do and how to do it. You will also get a maintainance plan and checklist to guide through the whole process.

So, in conclusion, the Food4Wealth program may not be for you if:

You are the Martha Stewart of gardening and have a perfect vegetable garden that you don’t want to risk messing with.


You can’t tell the difference between a thistle and a carrot – but I’m sure there’s an app for that 😉

The Food4Wealth may be for you if:

  • You want to serve healthy organic food to your family
  • Are sick about how the price of organic produce keeps increasing
  • You want to depend less on commercial agriculture
  • You are concerned about how produce is grown and question the quality of the vegetables available at the grocery store

Food4Wealth describes every detail of a no fuss technique that is explained in such a way that anyone can easily start growing their own top quality food.

So, dare to be different! Take control of the quality of food you and your family eat and join the Food4Wealth movement!


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